Confluence: Beyond Boundaries: Opening Ceremony (Friday, 17th January 2020)
On 17th January 2020 (Friday), Korean Cultural Centre India inaugurated ‘Confluence: Beyond Boundaries’ exhibition at the Baek Nam June Hall. The event was inaugurated by H.E. Mr Shin Bong-kil (Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to India), Monk Bob Ryun, Mr Kim Kum Pyoung (Director, Korean Cultural Centre India), Ms. Jang Hee Mun and Mr. Devendra Shukla.
Korean Cultural Centre presents the works of 2 artists Jang Hee Mun from South Korea and the Devendra Shukla from India.
The Art exhibition is a combination of painting, sculpture and installation. The exhibition Confluence: Beyond Boundaries is the close perception and exploration of the common elements that have gone into the making of synthesis of 2 countries.
Jang Hee Mun and Devendra Shukla’s works belong to different cultures and traditions. Yet, they are a confluence of creative minds. Spontaneity seems to be another hallmark of their works. The images and forms are ambiguous, relying to a great degree on imaginative response. Ambiguity seems to be their underlying aesthetic since there is a free play of brush strokes and colours. Mun’s art works are gestural, indicating powerful emotional energies both in terms of colour as well as brushwork. Devendra’s art works are replete with identifiable and not so recognizable forms but there is an inherent structure to his composition with the colours relating to his cultural context.
The event began with the felicitation of our esteemed guests with bouquet followed by insightful speeches of H. E. Ambassador Mr Shin Bong-kil, Ms. Jang Hee Mun and Mr. Devendra Shukla. To commemorate the opening Ms. Saeyong Bae mesmerised the gathering with her melodious flute recital.
The exhibition will be on display till 28th February 2020 at Baek Nam June Hall, Korean Cultural Centre India.
*All the copyrights for the images/photos are reserved with KCCI.
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