

<Library Rules and Regulations>

1.  Opening Days & Timings


  • Monday to Saturday: 9:00 am ~ 4:00 pm

  • Lunch Time: 12:30 pm ~ 1:30 pm (Library will be closed)

      Library timing limitations:

  • The seats in the library can only be taken up by the members of Korean Cultural Centre India, and it will be based on the ‘first come, first served’ principle.

  • All members can only use the library within given hours.

  • The library will be closed on Sundays and Korean and Indian government designated holidays.

  • Seating Capacity: 30


         2. Issuing/Returning Books and CDs/DVDs Rules



Type of Users






Max. 5 books

2 Weeks

Once only



Music, Movies, Drama: Max. 2

2 Weeks

Once only


●  Only KCCI Members can borrow books or CDs/DVDs from the library.

   Writing, marking, or doodling on any library furniture is forbidden.

   The magazines shall not be allowed to be borrowed. 

   The borrower is responsible in any case of loss or damage of books or CDs/DVDs.


 In case of late return of issued Books / DVDs / CDs:

  •      Overdue / Late returner of the books or DVDs / CDs will be blocked from issuing the books, DVDs, and CDs from the library, till they return the issued items back, for four times as long as the amount of time they got late.

  •         One who fails to return the books or DVDs / CDs back within a period of 1 month from their due date, will be permanently suspended from using the library facilities from then on.

         In case of losing an issued Book / DVD / CD:

  •         The member will have to inform the librarian immediately and pay money as compensation for losing the books or CDs/DVDs. (The amount to be paid will be the same as the cost of the books or CDs/DVDs along with the shipping cost).

  •         The member will also be permanently suspended from using the library facilities from then on.

        3. General Rules

  • It is mandatory for all the users of the library to wear masks properly.

  • The library administration reserves the right to cancel anyone’s membership with prior notice and

  • proper reasons (For e.g., Misbehaviour, Damage, Violation).

  • Food / Drinks are not permitted in the library. (Drinking Water is allowed).

  • Bottles of ink, correction fluid, and other potentially damaging substances shall not be taken into the

  • library.

  • Bags must be stored at their designated place in the library.

  • Take care of your belongings, KCC will not be responsible for any missing cases.

  • Please do not make any calls in the library & put your feet on the empty seat.

  • The KCCI members can use the library computers for a maximum duration of 30 minutes.